Early summer at Lake Fergus, Tasmania

One week out from a trip planned 6 months earlier and the preparations were for snow, rain and freezing cold nights so common in the Tasmanian highlands; even in early summer. Fast forward 8 days and there I was with friend Craig, hidden behind the ‘thorny devil bush’ (well, that’s what we called it!) on […]



Billfish of all species are considered to be at the extreme end of flyfishing targets. Of these, sailfish are thought to be the fastest fish in the ocean. To put in perspective just how fast, a sailfish can swim at around 112km/h while a tarpon comes in barely half as quick with a top speed of ‘only’ 56km/h! It makes sense […]


Cape York Milkfish

Over winter, the AFO team hosted their annual milkfish trips to a remote location on the west coast of Cape York. The phenomenon our guides found there 6 years ago, provides one of the only targeted milkfish fisheries on the globe. It’s true milkfish are caught elsewhere but these are often cast-and-hope fisheries where you put your weed fly in amongst a carpet […]


@ Home with Will Minson

As part of Channel 7’s @Home series screened on Saturday nights to promote the AFL Players official charity, Ladder (http://www.ladder.org.au/) Western Bulldogs ruckman Will Minson tells us he feels most at home on the water flyfishing. “I can spend a whole day fishing, and not catch a trout, and it’s still a bloody good day.” Will says. […]


North-east Trip 23/11/13 – 1/12/13

Five day trips close to Melbourne in the lead up to the annual week away with close mates had been fickle to say the least. However arriving on the Mitta/ Bundara confluence at 8pm had us gearing up surrounded by the familiar sounds and smells of the pink granite country. Better still was all the […]