Family, Work, and Flyfishing

Freshly 40 years of age, flyfishing mates Sam and Gus face the familiar challenge in navigating busy lives whilst attempting to feed a flyfishing addiction.

Gus and Sam have known each other since school but their shared interest in flyfishing is what’s kept them close.

Early days Gus travelled South America and his flyfishing took a turn to obsession after being exposed to Argentina’s hard-fighting trout. For Sam it was breaking in horses at Helen Packers farm on the Bundarra, meeting the likes of Muz Wilson and other flyfishing tragics that walked through her doors. Later Sam and Gus developed as flyfishers with the challenging fishing on the Goulburn (and surrounds).

Both with young families, Sam shares a hilarious story of taking his son to the emergency with a lure hanging from his lip. We contemplate how to best spread the flyfishing bug to offspring, and in Sam’s case, he’s succeeded and offers some useful tips.

This episode was an absolute joy to put together and if you lead a busy flyfishing life like Gus and Sam, we’re sure you’ll get some laughs!