What can you expect over the next few months and what’s that going to do to the fishing? One of the most common questions I get asked when I’m chartering the boat is “what’s the weather going to do”? As if I should know. Well, what I always say is that “last week, if I’d listened to the forecast, I wouldn’t have gone, but it was wrong so I’m glad I did; make sure you bring warm gear and a rain coat”. You see, weather forecasts are broad scale and general, and can’t by their nature tell you what it’s going to be like in the 2 hour slot you’ve allocated between afternoon tea and the start of Doctor who.
What Col Sinclair from Adaminaby Angler will tell you is “look out the window” – and he’s brilliant at it (forecasting the weather from looking out the window). Well, here’s a few thoughts. First, 2013 is the hottest year in Australia since records began – a full quarter of a degree hotter than the previous record according to a World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) report. Trout will be hating that. Second, the Bureau of Meteorology are on the fence. For mainland Australian trout country they predict “the chances of a wetter or drier than normal season are roughly equal”. And the accuracy of this forecast is moderate. In other words, they’re fairly confident it will either be wet or dry. No wonder we’re all confused. For Tasmania by the way, they forecast wetter than average. One of the best web forecasting sites is www.yr.no– all you do is plug in your town or fishing destination and you can see hourly, daily and long term forecasts in a really easy-to-read format. If you want to look at what’s coming then check out www.bom.gov.au/australia/radar/ This is brilliant for thunderstorms and rain that’s heading your way. And more forecasts at www.bom.gov.au/australia/ but it’s a bit clunky – that’d be Government for you. Always get a weather forecast before you head out. And never fish in a thunder storm even though the bugs are going crazy – I swear my rod was glowing one night at Frying Pan. My crystal ball says a wetter than normal summer – which will be brilliant for the fishing. But if not, I take no responsibility. If it does stay dry all is not lost, there’s plenty of small hoppers around the lakes and rivers and if they grow it will be a special February; but they drown if it rains a lot. Last thing, “red sky at night, shepherds delight” doesn’t necessarily hold true for the east coast. A lot of our weather comes from the south and west so the setting sun reflecting off cloud here means it’s probably headed your way – so just keep looking out the window and just go fishing. And when you are fishing be sure to look over your shoulder now and again. Tight tippets – more at www.nakedtrout.com.au