The Promise of Spring

The hum of suburban mowers, magpies starting to swoop, wattles in full bloom… spring is close.

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope,” said Lady Bird Johnson, talking about the coming spring. And as much as I like flowers, it’s trout stream opening being only a few weeks away that gives me hope. There is no denying that the seasons are changing, and winter is slowly moving into the back seat. Yes, I’m sure winter isn’t quite done yet, but spring is certainly waiting impatiently in the wings. 

Spring wants in!

This has kind of snuck up on me. Lately, I’d been more focused on watching weather patterns for potential snowfalls to ski Lake Mountain. Or hunkered down in front of the wood heater searching the web for soup recipes, while watching the firewood stack dwindle.

Not so much a dining table as a gear table.

But thankfully, the I’ve caught myself. I’ve broken from this winter funk, and now it’s all about the spring! And if there was any doubt about the change of seasons, on a recent bike ride, I was subjected to a not-so-subtle reminder by a swooping magpie.

So my YouTube is now showing endless flyfishing videos, my dining table is covered in flyfishing paraphernalia: rods, reels, flies and waders, as I’m gearing up for the trout. I’ve even started to tidy up the fly-tying bench… if putting tying silk onto various a wooden holders counts. (Well, it’s a start!)

Have to start somewhere!

Like the magpie’s renewed enthusiasm to swoop, I’ve got a renewed enthusiasm – only mine is focused on the streams and their trout. When I slow down on the bridges, the creeks and rivers are clear (at least for now), and although bumpy, the general weather trend is one of improvement. I just can’t wait for 7 September to arrive so I can actually get on flowing water again and cast a fly. I bet I’m not the only one.