Early summer at Lake Fergus, Tasmania

One week out from a trip planned 6 months earlier and the preparations were for snow, rain and freezing cold nights so common in the Tasmanian highlands; even in early summer. Fast forward 8 days and there I was with friend Craig, hidden behind the ‘thorny devil bush’ (well, that’s what we called it!) on […]


@ Home with Will Minson

As part of Channel 7’s @Home series screened on Saturday nights to promote the AFL Players official charity, Ladder (http://www.ladder.org.au/) Western Bulldogs ruckman Will Minson tells us he feels most at home on the water flyfishing. “I can spend a whole day fishing, and not catch a trout, and it’s still a bloody good day.” Will says. […]


North-east Trip 23/11/13 – 1/12/13

Five day trips close to Melbourne in the lead up to the annual week away with close mates had been fickle to say the least. However arriving on the Mitta/ Bundara confluence at 8pm had us gearing up surrounded by the familiar sounds and smells of the pink granite country. Better still was all the […]


More Montana

Even narrowing the field down to my absolute favourite Montana shots, our ruthless designer was only able to accommodate some of them in this issue of FlyStream magazine. So here are a few that didn’t make it.


Sand & Searunners

A few weeks ago my good friend Dave made the long drive down from Sydney and we met up on the Spirit of Tasmania for the overnight voyage to Devonport. After docking, we set off for the West Coast. The area’s reputation for wilderness and wild weather proved justified and our 4×4’s got a solid […]


Understanding Reports

About 25 years ago brother Mark and I got off the plane in Launceston and just about kissed the tarmac in gratitude at the prospect of an upcoming week at Bronte Park. We loved Bronte Lagoon in particular (still do) and it was all we could do to restrain ourselves from driving the hire car […]


Coping with High Water in New Zealand

By November, most rivers are open to fishing in New Zealand (the rivers around here in the north of the South Island mostly open in October.) However it is springtime and that usually means rain. But don’t be put off by the chance of spring rain and high flows; with a bit of effort you […]


North-east Victoria River Report, 15-17/11/13

Last trout season was somewhat schizophrenic. We had some great trips and others were a bit of a struggle. Cormorants in plague proportions started to play on my mind although on one particular day last March, after several hours of not seeing  a trout suddenly the fish switched on and how! Between two of us we landed over a […]