Spring issue of Flystream out now

We’ve just released issue 4 of the magazine so subscribers can view it now. If you haven’t subscribed yet, it’s easy to do – just go to our magazine page, choose the subscription you want, then use your username and password to access the magazine on your PC, Mac, iPad or other device.

This issue, Christopher Bassano has a really interesting take on weather and its affect on trout fishing; particularly Tassie trout fishing. This article will change your perception of so-called bad weather. I head to the Grampians and share some ideas to catch more trout in lakes Wartook, Bellfield and Fyans. These waters are fishing well right now and spring is a great time to be there, so read up and head over!

FS 4

Steve Dunn writes as well as ever in his Usk River story. This a simultaneously funny and reflective piece about a river on the other side of the world – and with plenty of pertinent nymph fishing advice for back home. Meanwhile, Chris Beech finds the perfect antidote to a long southern winter with a spring trip to north-east Queensland chasing flats species, barra and other weird & wonderful saltwater fish. Lastly for the features, Nathan Dalton makes the most of South Australia’s many carp.

On to the columns and Peter Hayes has some really interesting ideas on bettering ourselves as flyfishers, while Jim Allen has a timely piece on catching snail feeders – this very subject has been receiving plenty of attention on the FlyStream Forum of late. As usual, Andrew Fuller discusses the latest gear, including IFTD 2014 Best of Show winner, the Sage SALT series and I discuss the Simms Headwaters mesh vest. Finally, Craig Coltman has a great little caddis dry to show us which he loves for springtime stream fishing. Enjoy!