Snowies update pictorial

Amidst the mayhem of the spawn run there is beauty and tranquillity. The brown trout spawn run is late after very little rain, but the heavy snow falls and gales of recent days should get things moving for the last two weeks of the season. This is a special time and its a special place at this time of year. There seems to be no end to the draining of Tantangara. The causeway on the Port Phillip Fire Trail is high and dry and the lake level is down to 18% with “rumours” it will go all the way to 8% for works on Snowy 2.0. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew what was going on for real? Some puff here: Snowy 2.0 May 2019 Update.

All the lakes are falling slowly; Eucumbene now at 24.8%; Jindabyne at 72.8%; so if you’re lake fishing be prepared for mud. Anyway, back to my beauty and tranquillity pictorial.  Enjoy the end of the season and be nice!

High view from Mount Denison.

Frosty dawn by Denison campsite.

Misty dawn downstream of the portal.

High sticking with frosted rod-eyes.

Patrick’s obligatory fish-pic.

Last of the sunset.

I’m sure we could squeeze in there somewhere!