Well, if you ever doubted the propensity of big trout to eat rodents, doubt no more. Guest Howell was fishing with Pete on a nearby stream and things were going nicely. Some lovely browns had already been caught when this beauty took a little nymph.
Looking at this trout’s size and condition, you can only imagine the fight but at last Pete was able to net it. It was then that… how do I put this nicely?… a second creature appeared in the net that wasn’t there a moment earlier. (Turn away now if you’re eating!)
So, there you go. We often talk about mouse years and mouse feeders, and this season has seen a steady supply of overweight trout with swollen vents that have clearly been making the most of the current mouse plague. But as DoC points out, rats also flourish during these mass beech tree seeding events – and Howell’s trout proves that the fish make the most of this bounty as well.
Merry Christmas and a trouty New Year from all of us at Owen River Lodge!