Golden Caddis

The Golden Caddis
When artist Hubert Duprat discovered that rivers contain gold, and that caddis larvae use natural material to construct their protective casing there could only be one outcome….. an experiment. Maybe that’s why a gold bead does the trick?


On the Snowy lakes front (which is what I am supposed to be blogging about) I can tell you that the lake level in Eucumbene is at about 45%, Jindabyne basks in its privileged glory of 83%, and Tantangara is at 59%.

The portal between Tantangara and Eucumbene has been roaring away which is probably good. It gets the water into Eucumbene, with it will come some of the small fish, and it creates some air space for Tantangara so the floods aren’t wasted when they come.

The fishing for browns in Eucumbene continues to be good and we are now well into polaroiding season.  Find a high bank to patrol as the sun rises behind you, preferably with a light coloured lake bed, stay well back from the shore and keep a keen eye out for patrolling fish.  Once you’ve found one, watch, it will swim past but it will come back as it works a beat – so you can set a trap with a fly waiting to tempt it.  They’re hungry, so a black woolly bugger sitting on the bottom then twitched at the critical moment should do the trick. On a perfectly still day, a black beetle or red tag will bring them up. On a perfect day, to be quite frank they’ll be tempted by anything and it’s like teasing a cat with a piece of string.

Tight tippets
