We’re lucky to have plenty of great flyfishing clubs in Victoria, and one of these is the Calder Fly Fishing Association. It may be a junior club in years, and it certainly isn’t one of the biggest. However for action and enthusiasm, Calder casts out of the proverbial park. The club’s latest venture, a ‘try flyfishing day’, is bound to be another success.
The day will be held on October 16th at Buffalo Stadium, Woodend, Victoria from 10am to 4pm. Club President Ben Le Vagueresse says, “This is a free event to promote everything flyfishing for all ages.” Ben advises that as well as fly tying and fly casting lessons, there will be a range of information sessions and advice from some of Australia’s top fly angling experts. Everyone is welcome, from complete beginners to experienced anglers.
There’s going to be casting for kids, a pop-up tackle store, raffle prizes, coffee and a sausage sizzle. Special presenters will be sharing their knowledge and experiences all day. There will be information on overseas travel, flyfishing for trout on Victorian lakes and streams, flyfishing for Murray cod, as well as tips for tropical saltwater species.
Guest presenters will include Kristina Royter from She Loves It Outdoors, Ross Virt from KAOS flies, James Laverty from Fly Odyssey, Scott Xanthoulakis from Wilderness Fly Fishing, Clint Isaac and Dave Bradley from Australian Fly Fishing Outfitters, and local trout fishing identity Bruce Smith.
To find out more about the day and the Calder Fly Fishing Association, visit http://www.calderflyfishing.com.au/