Big walk, big rainbows

You don’t often associate the north of the South Island with rainbow trout, but today was the exception. I’m staying with my good friend Felix Borenstein at Owen River Lodge, as I’ve done as often as I can (but not as often as I’d like) over the last 10 years. Usually we sight fish for […]


AFO Guides Visit Melbourne and Prepare For Season Ahead

Australian Flyfishing Outfitter’s Dave Bradley and Clint Issac will be in-store at The Flyfisher in Melbourne and available for a chat this Tuesday (11th March) from 1pm. Few Aussies can claim to be as experienced in saltwater as Dave and Clint. Both are well travelled and have guided extensively throughout Australia’s most popular saltwater fly fishing destinations […]


Australian Flyfishing Outfitters Hinchinbrook, Hervey bay

DESTINATION OVERVIEW  Hinchinbrook Island is the gateway to Australia’s tropical northern flyfishing and home to Australian Flyfishing Outfitters, a saltwater flyfishing guiding operation that specialises in sight and flats flyfishing the waters around the country’s largest Island National Park. The area is renowned for its beauty and rugged tropical landscapes, regarded as one of the […]


Where the bloody hell are you?

….and why weren’t you there? Well, after 3 weeks on the road it’s nice to be sleeping in my own bed and eating greens again. I love travel (especially when fishing) but when you do it as an itinerant it’s not always easy to plan a proper diet. The annual NZ safari started on 31 […]


Warming up in Tasmania – 23/12/13

Gum beetles! The warm weather has finally started and has brought gum beetles and good polaroiding with it. The Nineteen Lagoons have produced many fish both polaroided and to dries fished blind in overcast weather. With the calm, clear days we wasted no time getting into these productive highland lakes and tarns. Lake Botsford has […]



Wild trout live in wild places and it doesn’t matter where you go in this world, if you flyfish for trout the weather can – and quite often does – play a significant role. Indeed, the quality of the wild trout fishery in New Zealand is, in a large part, a result of the amount […]


More Montana

Even narrowing the field down to my absolute favourite Montana shots, our ruthless designer was only able to accommodate some of them in this issue of FlyStream magazine. So here are a few that didn’t make it.


Sand & Searunners

A few weeks ago my good friend Dave made the long drive down from Sydney and we met up on the Spirit of Tasmania for the overnight voyage to Devonport. After docking, we set off for the West Coast. The area’s reputation for wilderness and wild weather proved justified and our 4×4’s got a solid […]


Understanding Reports

About 25 years ago brother Mark and I got off the plane in Launceston and just about kissed the tarmac in gratitude at the prospect of an upcoming week at Bronte Park. We loved Bronte Lagoon in particular (still do) and it was all we could do to restrain ourselves from driving the hire car […]


Coping with High Water in New Zealand

By November, most rivers are open to fishing in New Zealand (the rivers around here in the north of the South Island mostly open in October.) However it is springtime and that usually means rain. But don’t be put off by the chance of spring rain and high flows; with a bit of effort you […]


Chasing Leviathans

Two weeks ago I returned from a flyfishing trip to Costa Rica. The line burn on my fingers has only just begun to heal and so it goes without saying, we had an unbelievable trip. I travelled with Nick Reygaert of Gin-Clear Media, in the hope of filming giant tarpon for his upcoming film Leviathan, […]