Fishing with Felix

Around 20 years ago (neither of us can remember the exact date) I taught Felix to flyfish. Or more accurately, I gave him his first flyfishing lesson, since literally teaching someone to flyfish assumes an endpoint which I haven’t arrived at myself, let alone been able to pass on to someone else. Anyway, if you haven’t […]


According to plan – Turangi, NZ

I’m just back from my annual trip based out of Turangi in NZ’s North Island. About midway through the week we’d had another good day on the famous Tongariro River (FlyStream magazine issue 2) landing 8 wonderful rainbows. So, feeling smug, we – my brother David, nephew Jamie and I – knocked off early and went to the Turangi pub for dinner. Guide […]


Eucumbene’s Providence Aggro Browns

I was doing my best to maintain a steady drift down the old Eucumbene river bed on Providence Flats, the electric motor was excellent at nudging the boat back into the channel and the action, if not relentless was pretty consistent. The first decent fish I hooked stripped line with classic big brown lunges and […]