Autumn issue of FlyStream out now

The days are a little cooler, the nights are a little longer (meaning more time for reading!) and the weather is more settled. Autumn is here, one of my favourite times of year for fishing – at least in south-eastern Australia and New Zealand.

In this issue of FlyStream magazine trout guide, science graduate and successful competition flyfisher Stewart Dick offers some intriguing insights into competition fishing strategies, particularly the mental side. Stewart’s thoughts and approach are a must-read for anyone who flyfishes – competitor or not.

At a more basic level, I continue on where Nick Taransky’s ‘A Day on a Stream’ left off last issue.’ This time, I watch on while Frank takes his mate Steve for his first day lake fishing – with plenty of lessons for both.


Joshua Hutchins (aka Aussie Fly Fisher) is a confirmed trout addict, but lately his interest has been captured by the native fish inhabiting his home waters in New South Wales’ central-west. Murray cod, golden perch and Australian bass are all proving to be exciting local options for Josh.

If something a bit more exotic takes your interest, Anthony McGrath dons his proverbial pith helmet for a journey deep into the Amazon jungle chasing some weird and wonderful fly species, including the coveted peacock bass. Make sure you check out Anthony’s video of the experience in our Video section above.

Designer Andrew Marsic spends most of his FlyStream time taking great pictures and making the website and magazine look good. However he was so inspired by a trip to southern Tasmania in January, he’s written about it. All the destinations featured are continuing to fish well in to autumn, so this is well worth a read if you’re heading south in the next month or two.

As for our regulars, Peter Hayes ambitiously tackles the topic of how to choose which wet fly to tie on, while Jim Allen has a delightful column on Tasmanian mayfly fishing which mixes history, humour and sound tactical advice. Craig Coltman has a great river nymph (I know, I’ve used it) while Andrew Fuller reviews some new goodies, particularly the latest incarnation of Simms G3 waders.

You can preview this issue, buy it or subscribe to FlyStream on our magazine page